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Toowoomba West Mountain Warriors Zen Do Kai

Toowoomba West Zen Do Kai Mountain Warriors Dojo
From:Tuesday 11 March 2025
To:Tuesday 13 March 2018
Time:6:00pm - 07:30pm Tuesday 11 March 2025
Location:St Ursula's College, Rome Street, Toowoomba, Qld 4350 Australia

Zen Do Kai, Martial Arts freestyle, uses modern self defence principles with traditional values. At Toowoomba West Mountain Warriors dojo, the training edict is towards "train hard, fight hard". Students are taught self-discipline and self-confidence, and respect for other students. The dojo is family orientated and all members made to feel welcome, to train hard and have fun. Students are mentored towards a healthier lifestyle, a positive attitude and most importantly respect for others - inside and outside the dojo.

Classes will vary to suit the rank or ability of the students. An average lesson will start with warm-up and stretching, fitness work, bag-work or sparring. Finishing with a stretch-down using kata or self-defence theory and techniques.Brown belts and higher ranks are taught the use of wooden weapons like Bokken, Katana, Bo, Kali stick and more. Black belt and higher ranks are taught steel weapons, such as Katana.All of our senior instructors hold a current Blue Card "Working with Children" certification.

Classes run all through the year including school holidays. More information available at the Zen Do Kai Qld Website

St Ursula's College
Rome Street
Entry charges - AdultFirst 2 weeks free ($40/month)
Entry charges - ChildFirst 2 weeks free ($30/month)
Entry charges - ConcessionFirst 2 weeks free
Contact phone Kyoshi Tony Zancola - M: 0420 656 102 Renshi Kate Gatfield - M: 0418 874 249
Booking informationPlease feel free to contact us via phone, email or call into our training hall for a visit.
Kyoshi Tony Zancola - M: 0420 656 102
Renshi Kate Gatfield - M: 0418 874 249
More Information available at
Event website or
Contact organisationZen Do Kai Toowoomba West Dojo
Is food and drink available?No
Are toilets available?Yes
Is there disabled access?No
St Ursula's College, Rome Street, Qld, Toowoomba.


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