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Brymaroo Easter Rodeo

Rodeo Bull.jpg
From:Saturday 15 April 2017
To:Saturday 15 April 2017
Time:1:00pm -  Saturday 15 April 2017
Location:Brymaroo Rodeo & Campdraft Grounds, Irvingdale Road, Brymaroo, Queensland 4403 Australia

ACTION PLUS AT BRYMAROO EASTER SATURDAY RODEO!! Bull Rides, Saddle Rides, Bareback Ride, Rope & Tie, Steer Wrestling, Barrel Race, Breakaway Roping, Team Roping, Novice Bull Ride, Novice Bareback Ride, U 18 Junior Barrel Race, U 18 Junior Breakaway Roping, U 18 Junior Bull Ride, U15 Junior Steer Ride.

There is a Junior Rodeo on Good Friday the 14th April starting at 1pm. This has free entry and is a display of the junior talent developing in this area.

The rodeo gets under way on Easter Saturday 15th April, with the pre performance events starting at 1pm and the main performance starting at 4pm.

We have a big screen again so you will not miss a second of the thrills and spills.

There will be anATM on site.

Usual bar and canteen facilities available.

Be entertained after the rodeo by local band "Double Trouble" till late.

Free camping available. No cabs. Bring a swag.

Our local community needs you to support this annual event as some of the money made on the night goes to our local schools and not for profit organizations in the district.

Brymaroo Rodeo & Campdraft Grounds
Irvingdale Road
Entry charges - Adult$20
Entry charges - Child$15 (student) Free (under 5)
Entry charges - Family$45
Contact phone 0407 629 120
Booking information
Contact organisationBrymaroo Rodeo Campdraft Committee Inc
Is food and drink available?Yes
Are toilets available?Yes
Is there disabled access?Yes
Powered & Non-powered free camping available. Showers & Toilets including a disabled shower/toilet.


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