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Cruise for Cancer

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From:Sunday 27 August 2017
To:Sunday 27 August 2017
Time:8:00am - 03:00pm Sunday 27 August 2017
Location:Queens Park Frogs Hollow, Crn Hume & Margaret Streets, TOOWOOMBA, QLD 4350 AUSTRALIA

The Rotary Club of Toowoomba City and the Darling Downs Harley Owners Group present the Cruise for Cancer ride for this year.
Experience the exhilaration of riding pillion on a Harley-Davidson.
A day of fun, laughter, good company, no cares or worries, and 100 + roaring Harleys!!
A $125 registration fee is all that is required to secure you up to three hours on the back of a Harley-Davidson Motor Bike,
a Cruise for Cancer T-shirt, Morning Tea, and Lunch.
Family and friends can come along in the Supporters Bus for just $40 (inclusive of lunch and morning tea). Lunch will be available at a cost of $40.
Make a difference, and be part of this years Cruise for Cancer. 
Run entirely by volunteers all funds raised benefit the Cancer Council Queensland's vital Cancer Research, Patient Support,
and Prevention and Early Detection programs.
To register go to or call Maureen on 07 4613 6345

Queens Park Frogs Hollow
Crn Hume & Margaret Streets
Entry charges - Adult$125
Entry charges - Childn/a
Contact phone 0746 136 345
Booking informationRegister at
Contact organisationRotary Club of Toowoomba City
Is food and drink available?Yes
Are toilets available?Not applicable
Is there disabled access?Not applicable


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