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Soul Food

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From:Sunday 10 December 2017
To:Sunday 10 December 2017
Time:9:30am - 11:00am Sunday 10 December 2017
Location:Toowoomba City Library - Cnr Herries and Victoria, 155 Herries Street, Toowoomba, QLD

Soul Food is a monthly event providing an opportunity to unite in a tranquil environment and reflect on inspiring themes and common threads that tie us all together.
It features music, audio-visual pieces and readings from various Faiths; indigenous, ancient and modern, from all over the world. Soul Food's purpose is to inspire us to transform our lives, our neighbourhoods and communities, with actions that promote the unity and betterment of society.
Soul Food is a free community event open to all.

Toowoomba City Library - Cnr Herries and Victoria
155 Herries Street
Entry charges - Adultfree
Entry charges - Childfree
Entry charges - ConcessionFree
Entry charges - FamilyFree
Contact phone 0413 943 251
Booking information
Event website
Contact organisationToowoomba Baha'i Community
Is food and drink available?Yes
Are toilets available?Yes
Is there disabled access?Yes


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