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Living Contemplatively in a Busy World

From:Saturday 21 March 2015
To:Saturday 21 March 2015
Time:9:00am - 03:30pm Saturday 21 March 2015
Location:St Luke's Anglican Church, Cnr Ruthven and Herries Street, Toowoomba, QLD 4350 Australia

Busyness of life distracts people in all walks of life. The catch cry heard so often is, "I am so busy". Or perhaps you have noted how it is such a familiar opening question for people to ask today, "Have you had a busy day?"

Busyness can keep is on the move from the moment our feet hit the floor in the morning till we fall into bed at night, often without energy to pay attention to ourselves and how we really are. But busyness is a distraction from the real world - the world of self and the world of God. So as spiritual people: Are we not called to be different?

This quiet day, lead by Fr David King, explores the invitiation from God to live differently. It will seek to understand this invitation in the context of the great commandment, love God and love your neighbour as yourself. It will canvas pathways, strategies and ideas for living the spiritual life, drawing closer to God while being gentle on ourselves and learning to love ourselves as God loves us.


Fr David King is a Roman Catholic Priest currently ministering from Oxley in Brisbane. He is a member of a particular Religious Order within the Church, which is the congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ, commonly knows as the Passionists. Fr David has been ordained 25 years an is trained also in Spiritual Direction. He hopes to affirm travellers on their journey amidst the demands of the modern world. 

St Luke's Anglican Church
Cnr Ruthven and Herries Street
07 46391910
Entry charges - AdultFree
Contact phone 07 4639 1910
Booking informationRSVP to St Luke's Anglican Church
Contact organisationThe Anglican Parish of St Luke Toowoomba
Is food and drink available?Yes
Are toilets available?Yes
Is there disabled access?Yes


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