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A Walk in the Park for Parkinsons

From:Sunday 30 August 2015
To:Sunday 30 August 2015
Time:9:00am - 12:00pm Sunday 30 August 2015
Location:Queens Park - Lower, Cnr Margaret and Hume Streets, Toowoomba City, QLD 4350 Australia

A walk in the park is a major community fundraising event for Parkinson's Queensland to come together to support, celebrate and remember every Queenslander living with Parkinson's. It's a perfect day out for the whole family, including the pet pooch!

It is a leisurely, non-competitive 4km walk or 2km walk following the path around the beautiful Queens Park, Toowoomba.

We encourage everyone to register online at . To guarantee yourself a t-shirt, register before 16 August.  Registrations will be taken on the day as well from 9am at the park. Children under 5 are free. All other entry prices (from $15-$40) are available on the website.

Queens Park - Lower
Cnr Margaret and Hume Streets
Toowoomba City
Entry charges - Adult$30 - $40
Entry charges - Child5-15yrs $15-$25, under 5 free
Entry charges - Concession$25-$35
Contact phone Jan on 07 4635 4844
Booking or contact the office on (07) 32091588
Contact organisationParkinson's Support Group
Is food and drink available?Yes
Are toilets available?Yes
Is there disabled access?Yes
Meet at Hume Street side of Queen's Park. BBQ, Coffee van available.


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