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Community Forum: Sustainable House Day

From:Saturday 05 September 2015
To:Saturday 05 September 2015
Time:4:00pm - 06:00pm Saturday 05 September 2015
Location:Dr Price Room, 6 Little Street, Toowoomba, QLD 4350 Australia

Householders’ Options to Protect the Environment (HOPE) is facilitating the Toowoomba activities for this nation-wide event, with a mixture of sustainable ‘Open House’ sites (homes and gardens, facilities) for residents to visit as well as a Community Forum featuring speakers on sustainable building design, renewable energy and landscaping.

HOPE welcomes your attendance at either or both aspects of the Toowoomba’s Sustainable House Day activities. This is your chance to see and hear first-hand about what’s possible and to be inspired to apply some of these measures at your place!

Open House:  In the morning of Saturday 5 September (9am - 11am), facilities open to the public include a sustainable house and gardens at 210 West Street, Toowoomba and Excel Solar’s Solar Farm 7SD located at lots 24-25 Croft Crescent, Toowoomba.

Community Forum:  The afternoon component of Sustainable House Day is a community forum being held at the Dr Price Room, 6 Little St, Toowoomba, from 4pm to 6pm.

Speakers include Ms. Joanne Galea from the Building Designers Association of Queensland (BDAQ), Mr Terry Davis from Excel Solar and Mr Jerry Coleby-Williams from Gardening Australia.

For further information and/or to register your interest in participating in Toowoomba’s Sustainable House Day event on Saturday 5 September, please contact the HOPE office on ph: 07 4639 2135 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Admission to both activities are FREE of charge!

Dr Price Room
6 Little Street
Entry charges - AdultFree
Entry charges - ChildFree
Entry charges - ConcessionFree
Contact phone 07 4639 2135
Booking informationLimited seats:
Phone: 07 4639 2135
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact organisationHouseholders' Options to Protect the Environment Inc.
Is food and drink available?Yes
Are toilets available?Yes
Is there disabled access?Yes
Seating for up to 50 people Kitchen Tiolets


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