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Grand Champion Garden Twilight Tour 2014

From:Sunday 20 September 2015
To:Sunday 20 September 2015
Time:7:00pm - 08:30pm Sunday 20 September 2015
Location:Grand Champion 2014, 17 Ward Street, Highfields, Queensland 4352 Australia

It’s not just the beautiful parklands and public gardens that have earned Toowoomba its reputation as The Garden City.

Showcasing passionate gardeners who work year-round transforming their private gardens into stunning floral showpieces.

Kevin & Dianna Drew, 2014 Chronicle Garden Competition Grand Champion winners, will be opening their home for a few nights for a Twilight viewing of their magical garden during the Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers. (This of course is in addition to their garden being open between 9.00am - 5.00pm every day of Carnival).

Date: Sunday 20, Wednesday 23 & Saturday 26 September

Time: 7pm to 8.30pm

Cost: Adult $5, Children gold coin donation (proceeds going towards charity)

Grand Champion 2014
17 Ward Street
07 4696 8680
Entry charges - Adult5
Entry charges - ChildGold Coin
Contact phone 07 4696 8680
Booking information
Is food and drink available?Not applicable
Are toilets available?Not applicable
Is there disabled access?Not applicable


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