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Million Paws Walk

From:Sunday 20 May 2018
To:Sunday 20 May 2018
Time:8:30am - 01:00pm Sunday 20 May 2018
Location:Queens Park (opposite Mother's Memorial), Margaret Street, Toowoomba, 4350 Australia

There will be market stalls, live music and entertainment, loads of food for walkers and their pooches, as well as exciting new doggie products to test out.

Prizes for the best dressed dog and one with the waggiest tail.

Participants can walk 1.2km, 3.5km or 4.5km.

It’s RSPCA’s biggest fundraiser of the year, so dog owners are encouraged to take action, register and get involved.

those who register will be given their own personal fundraising page.

Visit for more information or to register.

Early bird prices will change after 2nd March and can be bought at the gate

Walk start time: 11am

Market at 8.30am

Queens Park (opposite Mother's Memorial)
Margaret Street
Entry charges - Adult$12.50
Entry charges - Child$7.50
Entry charges - Concession$11
Entry charges - Family$27.50
Contact phone
Booking information
Is food and drink available?Yes
Are toilets available?Yes
Is there disabled access?Yes


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