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Anzac Day 2018 - Westbrook

From:Wednesday 25 April 2018
To:Wednesday 25 April 2018
Time:5:30am -  Wednesday 25 April 2018
Location:Westbrook Hall, 114 Main Street, Westbrook, Queensland Australia

For several years The Westbrook Hall committee have been holding the ANZAC Day dawn service. Recently its popularity has grown with between 300 – 400 people attending. This year the committee have decided to host a “gunfire” breakfast immediately after the completion of the dawn service.


The dawn service will be held at the Westbrook Community Hall, Main Street at 5.30am

Breakfast will follow the service at Westbrook Tavern, Main Street. If interested in attending the breakfast please let the organisers know via either of the following pages: Westbrook Community Hall Facebook page or Westbrook Tavern Facebook page.

Westbrook Hall
114 Main Street
Booking informationWestbrook Community Hall Facebook page:
Westbrook Tavern Facebook page:
Is food and drink available?Not applicable
Are toilets available?Not applicable
Is there disabled access?Not applicable


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