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Laugh Without Leaking

From:Tuesday 12 June 2018
To:Tuesday 12 June 2018
Time:6:00pm - 07:00pm Tuesday 12 June 2018
Location:Toowoomba General Hospital, Peachey Street, Toowoomba, Qld 4350 Australia

The next Twilight Talk hosted by the Toowoomba Hospital will be held on Tuesday 12 June, 6-7pm, in the Unara Conference Centre. Nurse Practitioner Julie Westaway will present on the topic “Laugh Without Leaking: strategies to avoid or manage incontinence”. According to the continence foundation of Australia “bladder, bowel, and pelvic health problems affect over 5 million adult Australians. Many people laugh off their leaking as a normal part of getting older or after having a baby. But it is not normal and has a serious negative impact on daily life for millions of women, men, and children. Most bladder and bowel problems can be better managed, better treated and, in many cases, even cured without surgery”.

Toowoomba General Hospital
Peachey Street
Entry charges - AdultFree
Contact phone 07 616 6264
Booking informationNo bookings required.
Contact organisationToowoomba Hospitla, Darling Downs Hospital and Hhealth Service
Is food and drink available?Yes
Are toilets available?Yes
Is there disabled access?Yes
Unara Conference Centre, Toowoomba Hospital, Pechey Street.


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