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Making Australia Child Safe Information Session

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From:Wednesday 20 June 2018
To:Wednesday 20 June 2018
Time:7:00pm - 09:00pm Wednesday 20 June 2018
Location:Community venues meeting rooms, Level 3, 155 Herries Street, Toowoomba,

In response to the Royal Commission Enquiry into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse , ChildSafe Limited is offering low cost information sessions for community leaders and volunteers in organisational safety. The Australian community is increasingly calling for community organisations to demonstrate that they are safe places for our children to thrive – and in light of the report, the Australian Government is making moves to increase the requirements for organisations by setting National Standards for Child Safety.

This information session will cover:

  • A brief understanding of the Royal Commission report and recommendations that have been made in December 2017 that will impact community organisations.
  • An overview of the new 10 National Standards for Child Safe Organisations.

Each event will have presentation and representation from:

  • a leading Law Firm sharing the major legal requirements for Organisations in child safety
  • the Insurance sector to cover insurance requirements for organisations working with children
  • the ChildSafe team.

The sessions will also provide an open Q&A session with the panel, taking questions from the floor.

ChildSafe Limited is a not for profit, children’s harm prevention charity, and has over 10 years experience providing practical tools and training to help community organisations transition from policy to good practice. We promote researched standards for the well-being of children, and help organisations keep the children they care for safe.

Please join us at the National roadshow of information sessions as we partner in this challenge to “Make Australia ChildSafe”. At a time when community organisations have been shamed for failing in their duty of care, ChildSafe is here to help to promote child well-being and safety from harm, and respond to the needs of organsiations to help them sustain this safety effort.

Who is this session for?

  • Volunteers and staff who work with children in any roles, such as sporting coaches, youth group and children’s program leaders such as scouts, girl guides, church and other community organisations
  • Leaders in organisations, responsible for Child Protection Policy and governance
  • Community services workers who have responsibility for children, and work in institutions responding to children with histories of harm such as Foster Care, hospitals, mental health services and other allied health professionals
  • Parents, caregivers and anyone with an interest in the outcomes of the Royal Commission Enquiry into Institutional responses to Child Sexual Abuse
Community venues meeting rooms
Level 3, 155 Herries Street
Entry charges - Adult$10-$25
Contact phone 0439 307 626
Booking informationTickets from Eventbrite:
$10 for Child Safe Subscribers or $25 for regular admission (plus booking fees).
Event website
Contact organisationChildSafe Australia
Is food and drink available?Yes
Are toilets available?Yes
Is there disabled access?Yes
Level 3 of the Towoomba City Library Civic Meeting Rooms


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