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Opera at Jimbour

From:Saturday 27 July 2019
To:Saturday 27 July 2019
Time:12:00am -  Saturday 27 July 2019
Location:Jimbour House, , Jimbour, Queensland 4406 Australia

Queensland Music Festival is a biennial state-wide celebration of music, a major cultural and artisti success story with a national and international reputatin, an an unparalleled geographic reach.

Every second year, the best of local, national and international talent perform eery conceivable style of music to Queenslanders from aol walks of life, in Brisbane, and in reginal and remote centres from Thursday Island to the Gold Coast.

Jimbour House
Entry charges - Adulttba
Booking information
Is food and drink available?Yes
Are toilets available?Yes
Is there disabled access?Yes


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