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Anzac Day Services - Toowoomba

From:Thursday 25 April 2019
To:Thursday 25 April 2019
Time:5:00am - 12:00pm Thursday 25 April 2019
Location:Mothers' Memorial , 106 Margaret Street , Toowoomba , Qld 4350 Australia

Dawn Service

4:30am Parade assembles at the Toowoomba Bus Station, Neil Street

5:15am Parade departs for Mothers' Memorial

5:30 Service Commences


Citizens' Wreath Laying Service

8:30am Wreath Layers to assemble (Burstow Street)

9:00am Ceremony Commences


Citizens' Commemoration Service

9:15am Parade assembles at Margaret Street (between Ruthven & Neil St)

10:00am Parade departs for Mothers' Memorial

10:20am Service Commences


Please note all services are scheduled to be held at the Mothers' Memorial, Margaret Street, Toowoomba.

In the event of inclement weather these services will be held at Rumours International, Ruthven Street, Toowoomba.

Mothers' Memorial
106 Margaret Street
Contact phone 131 872
Booking information
Contact organisationToowoomba Anzac Day Planning Group C/- Toowoomba Regional Council
Is food and drink available?Not applicable
Are toilets available?Yes
Is there disabled access?Yes


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