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Flaunt presented by The Empire Theatres and Metro Arts

From:Friday 13 May 2016
To:Friday 13 May 2016
Time:7:30am -  Friday 13 May 2016
Location:Empire Theatre Heritage Bank Auditorium, 56 Neil Street, Toowoomba, Qld 4350 Australia

A production by Claire Marshall.

Enter the world of Flaunt where a smokey haze, dazzling lights and myriad of bodies surround you. Unleash your inner voyeur and witness virtuosic dancers performing above you, to a thrilling soundtrack.

Recommended for ages 15+.

Empire Theatre Heritage Bank Auditorium
56 Neil Street
1300 655 299
Entry charges - Adult$36
Entry charges - Child$25 (under25) $18 (under 18)
Entry charges - Concession$34
Contact phone 1300 655 299
Booking information
Is food and drink available?Not applicable
Are toilets available?Yes
Is there disabled access?Yes


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