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Westbrook and Districts Lions Trivia Night

From:Tuesday 31 May 2016
To:Tuesday 31 May 2016
Time:7:00pm - 09:30pm Tuesday 31 May 2016
Location:Westbrook Tavern, Main Street, Westbrook, Qld 4350 Australia

Westbrook and Districts Lions Club are holding a Trivia Night on May 31st at 7pm at the Westbrook Tavern. The evening is in aid of farmers in drought affected areas of Queensland. We are collecting toiletries and beauty products for the whole family, which will be distributed through 'Drought Angels' to farmers and rural communities. Tables are 6 to 8 people, $5 per head and please bring a beauty product with you to add to our table of products.

There will be prizes and an auction, and pub food is available, if you would like to come a little earlier to enjoy tea before the trivia questions begin!

Westbrook Tavern
Main Street
Entry charges - Adult$5
Contact phone 0419 099 011
Booking informationPlease register your table, or any queries, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Is food and drink available?Yes
Are toilets available?Yes
Is there disabled access?Yes


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