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Angela Davis

From:Saturday 04 June 2016
To:Saturday 04 June 2016
Time:7:30pm -  Saturday 04 June 2016
Location:Empire Theatre Heritage Bank Auditorium, 56 Neil Street, Toowoomba, Qld 4350 Australia

Saxophonist Angela Davis will present a performance of the repertoire from her latest release "Lady Luck" the creation of which was made possible after being awarded the 2014 Empire Theatres Foundation's Brian Boak Outstanding Performer Bursary.

This concert will be a night of joyful, melodic jazz.


Empire Theatre Heritage Bank Auditorium
56 Neil Street
1300 655 299
Entry charges - Adult$40 (table seating) $37
Entry charges - Child$25 (under 25)
Entry charges - Concession$35
Contact phone 1300 655 299
Booking information
Is food and drink available?Not applicable
Are toilets available?Yes
Is there disabled access?Yes


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