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Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Costume Exhibition bus trip

From:Saturday 13 August 2016
To:Saturday 13 August 2016
Time:9:00am - 05:00pm Saturday 13 August 2016
Location:St Mary's Church Hall, Corner Buckland and Burton Street, Harristown, QLD 4350 Australia

The Toowoomba Branch of the National Trust of Australia (Queensland) invites you to join us for a bus trip to Old Government House, Brisbane to see Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries Costume Exhibition.

Scheudle: 9am Bus departs from St Mary's Anglican Church, Cnr Burton and Buckland Streets, Harristown. Free parking available.

              10am - 11am Queens Park Cafe Ipswich for those wishing to purchase morning tea.

              12 noon - 1pm Tour of the Costume Exhibition.

              1pm - 3pm Visit the nearby Brisbane City Botanic Gardens. Bring a picnic lunch or purchase lunch at the City Gardens Cafe. Or do a spot of shopping in the city.

              3pm Bus departs Brisbane.

              5pm Arrive back in Toowoomba.

Full payment due by Friday 1st July.

St Mary's Church Hall
Corner Buckland and Burton Street
Entry charges - Adult$60
Entry charges - Child$35 (5 - 15)
Entry charges - Concession$55 for National Trust Membes
Contact phone Debby on 0402 138 751
Booking information
Is food and drink available?Yes
Are toilets available?Yes
Is there disabled access?Not applicable


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