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Scottish Night

From:Saturday 20 August 2016
To:Saturday 20 August 2016
Time:7:00pm -  Saturday 20 August 2016
Location:Drayton Memorial Hall, 39 Brisbane St, Toowoomba, Queensland Australia

The Toowoomba Caledonian Society and Pipe Band is holding a celidh. Come along and enjoy a night of Scottish country dancing and learn Strip the Willow, Dashing White Sergeant, Virginia's Reel, Jig to the Music, and other favouristes such as Pride of Erin, and Gypsy Tap.

There is no need for experience as all dances are called.

Drayton Memorial Hall
39 Brisbane St
Entry charges - Adult$10
Entry charges - ChildFree (under 13)
Contact phone 07 4630 1272
Booking information
Is food and drink available?Not applicable
Are toilets available?Yes
Is there disabled access?Not applicable


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