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Hospice Race day

From:Saturday 07 September 2019
To:Saturday 07 September 2019
Time:3:30pm -  Saturday 07 September 2019
Location:Clifford Park Racecouse, Hursley Road, Toowoomba, 4350 Australia

The Toowoomba Hospice's Race day will be held on Sept 7 and tickets are now available at or call 07 4659 8500.

Tickets are $90 per person and include entry into Clifford Park Race Course, a complimentary drink upon arrival, canapes and a delicious two-course plated dinner (alternate drop).

There will be prizes for best-dressed woman, man and couple.


Clifford Park Racecouse
Hursley Road
Entry charges - Adult$90
Booking information07 4659 8500
Is food and drink available?Yes
Are toilets available?Yes
Is there disabled access?Not applicable


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