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The Three Winning One Act Plays from the Play Writers Competition

From:Tuesday 20 September 2016
To:Tuesday 20 September 2016
Time:7:00am -  Tuesday 20 September 2016
Location:Toowoomba Repertory Theatre, 94 Margaret Street, Toowoomba, Qld 4350 Australia

The Locals' Spot an absurdist comedy by Queensland platwright Bruce Olive. The Perfect Crime a drama by Valda Marshall from New South Wales. The Muddy Feet Forest Retreat a comedy by Kylie Mulcahy of Tasmania.

Payment by cash, cheque or bank transfer only. Ticket includes a pre-dinner drink and nibbles plus supper during interval.

Doors open at 7pm. Curtain up at 7.30pm.

Toowoomba Repertory Theatre
94 Margaret Street
Entry charges - Adult$25
Entry charges - Child$25
Entry charges - Concession$20 National Trust Members
Contact phone Debby
Booking informationPh 0402 138 751
Contact organisationThe National Trust of Australia (Queensland) Toowoomba Branch
Is food and drink available?Yes
Are toilets available?Yes
Is there disabled access?Yes


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