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Did you know? community talk - From sky high to the height of fashion: Ivy May Pearce

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From:Thursday 17 September 2020
To:Thursday 17 September 2020
Time:5:30pm - 06:30pm Thursday 17 September 2020
Location:Web event (online only), , ,

When asked by a journalist if a woman would win the Brisbane Centenary Air Race in 1936, 21-year-old pilot Ivy May Pearce responded, “No reason why she should not!”.

One of the roads at Brisbane Airport, is named after her and there is also a building at the Gold Coast Airport named after her, but who is Ivy May Pearce?

In celebration of Girls in Aviation Day, Aviation Lecturer Natasha Heap introduces Ivy May Pearce. Ivy was was one of five female pilots, and the youngest entrant overall, to compete in the Brisbane to Adelaide Centenary Air Race held in 1936.

Ivy was an Ipswich girl who attended St Columba’s Convent in Dalby before completing her schooling at All Hallows in Brisbane, and learning to fly at Archerfield.

Once she finished her flying career, Ivy ran the Railway Hotel in Toowoomba and later in life, moved to the Gold Coast and became interested in fashion, establishing several boutiques and travelling internationally with her designs.

Web event (online only)
Entry charges - AdultFree
Contact phone 4631 2487
Booking information
Is food and drink available?Not applicable
Are toilets available?Not applicable
Is there disabled access?Not applicable


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