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The Listies 6D (It's twice as good as 3D)

From:Tuesday 17 January 2017
To:Tuesday 17 January 2017
Time:6:00pm -  Tuesday 17 January 2017
Location:Empire Theatre Heritage Bank Auditorium, 56 Neil Street, Toowoomba, Qld 4350 Australia


 Australia's most sought after kids' comedians, The Listies star in a comedy show all about the movies. Expect haunted backpacks, stunt driving ninja nans, bloodthirsty aliens, vomiting puppets and fully automatic toilet paper cannons in this hour of fun for the whole family.

Warning:Smoke machine, dad jokes and alien attacks.

This show is rated S for Stupid.



Empire Theatre Heritage Bank Auditorium
56 Neil Street
1300 655 299
Entry charges - Adult$22
Entry charges - Child$20 (under 18)
Booking information
Phone 1300 655 299
Empire Theatres Pty Ltd
54-56 Neil Street,
Toowoomba QLD 4350 Australia
Is food and drink available?Yes
Are toilets available?Yes
Is there disabled access?Yes


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