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Set up a Budget for your Business

From:Friday 17 February 2017
To:Friday 17 February 2017
Time:12:00pm - 01:30pm Friday 17 February 2017
Location:Canvas Coworking Inc, 1/625 Ruthven, Toowoomba City, Qld 4350 Australia

Have you created a budget for your business? Interestingly, many business owners don't create a budget because they either don't know how, or don't think it is a good use of their time. But it is one of the most important use of your time in starting and running a business.

Setting up a Business can be fun and exciting but when you don't know where the money is coming and going from things can start to become a little un-fun.

Joy Taylor has many years of helping businesses set up their budget and she will be sharing her knowledge and skills to help you set up a budget for your business.

Don't miss this invaluable session!

Friday 17th Feb

@ 12pm

At Canvas Coworking Space

Hosted by Joy Taylor

BYO Lunch & Laptops

Cost: Free for Members

$10 for Non-Members (cash or credit card accepted on arrival)

Canvas Coworking Inc
1/625 Ruthven
Toowoomba City
Contact phone 07 4528 2715
Booking information
Event website
Contact organisationCanvas Coworking
Is food and drink available?Not applicable
Are toilets available?Not applicable
Is there disabled access?Not applicable


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