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Strings at Twilight – Four Strings

From:Wednesday 21 October 2015
To:Wednesday 21 October 2015
Time:6:00pm - 07:00pm Wednesday 21 October 2015
Location:UniSQ Arts Theatre, 35-117 Baker Street, Darling Heights, QLD 4350 Australia

Be enchanted by the simplicity and beauty of the string quartet

Hosted by the USQ Students and Communities Division.

Four Strings is a Brisbane-based string quartet of young professional musicians. Join them on a whirlwind tour in their “Around the World in Sixty Minutes” concert featuring music from all over Europe, Asia and the Americas.

A reception in the USQ Arts Gallery will follow the recital – refreshments will be served.

UniSQ Arts Theatre
35-117 Baker Street
Darling Heights
07 4631 1111
Entry charges - Adult$25
Entry charges - Child$12 under 12 years
Entry charges - Concession$20
Contact phone 0746311111
Booking information
Is food and drink available?Yes
Are toilets available?Yes
Is there disabled access?Yes


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