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Zumba Gold Fluro Party Class

From:Saturday 25 July 2015
To:Saturday 25 July 2015
Time:6:00pm - 08:00pm Saturday 25 July 2015
Location:Darling Heights State School, wuth street, Darling Heights, qld 4350 Australia

Zumba Gold is a series of fitness programs specifically designed to take the exciting Latin and international rhythms created in the original Zumba program and bring them to the active older person, the beginner participant, and other special populations that may need modifications for success.

Zumba Gold Party Class with ZES Jarrod Tucker

WHEN: Saturday July 26th >>> Doors open at 6pm, Class starts at 6:30pm ( 90 mins)

WHERE: Darling Heights State School, Wuth Street, Toowoomba

COST: $20 Pre-paid, $25 at the door ( Tickets can be purchased in classes or via bank transfer –details in Facebook event)

THEME: Fluro


Darling Heights State School
wuth street
Darling Heights
(07) 4636 8333
Entry charges - Adult$20 (pre-paid) $25 (at the door)
Entry charges - Child$20 (pre-paid) $25 (at the door)
Contact phone 0434 372 540
Booking information
Is food and drink available?No
Are toilets available?Yes
Is there disabled access?Yes


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