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Maclagan Squeezebox Festival

From:Saturday 14 October 2017
To:Saturday 14 October 2017
Time:9:00am -  Saturday 14 October 2017
Location:Maclagan Memorial Hall, Margaret Street , Maclagan, Qld 4352 Australia

Get your accordions out and your dancing shoes on! The Maclagan Squeezebox Festival celebrates its 15th year anniversary on Saturday 14th October at the Maclagan Hall. Walk up and play from 9:00 a.m. or just listen to the sweet sounds of the accordions, harmonicas and washboards.

Morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner available. Licensed bar in the afternoon and during the dance. Stay for the day or join in the Old Time Dance at night.

Adults $12 (daytime) and $10 (dance only). Children under 15 free. Ring 4692-1265 or 4692-1335. Check out our website www.maclagansqueezeboxfestival or on Facebook: Maclagan Squeezebox Festival.

Some local accommodation available.  Portion of funds raised supports local charities.



Maclagan Memorial Hall
Margaret Street
Entry charges - Adult$12
Entry charges - ChildUnder 15 Free
Contact phone 07 4692 1265
Booking information
Contact organisationMaclagan Sqeezebox Festival
Is food and drink available?Yes
Are toilets available?Yes
Is there disabled access?Yes


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