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From:Saturday 10 March 2018
To:Saturday 10 March 2018
Time:7:00am - 12:00pm Saturday 10 March 2018
Location:Middle Ridge Uniting Church, 264 Stenner St , Middle Ridge, Queensland Australia

The St Stephen's & Middle Ridge Uniting Church Combined Mission Committee will host a CAR BOOT SALE at  264 Stenner St on Saturday 10th March from 7.00am 'til Noon.  Come and browse the variety of goods, have a BBQ or  to BOOK you own site for $15, contact Sandra on 07 3436 9814.

Proceeds to Mission Projects in the Pacific

Middle Ridge Uniting Church
264 Stenner St
Middle Ridge
Contact phone 07 4636 9814
Booking informationContact Sandra 07 4636 9814 or MRUC Church Office 07 4636 3850

Site cost $15
Contact organisationSt Stephen's & Middle Ridge Uniting Church Combined Mission Committee
Is food and drink available?Yes
Are toilets available?Yes
Is there disabled access?Yes


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