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Metalsmithing Teen Workshop

From:Wednesday 28 June 2023
To:Wednesday 28 June 2023
Time:9:00am - 12:00pm Wednesday 28 June 2023
Location:Cobb + Co Museum, 27 Lindsay Street, Toowoomba, QLD 4350 Australia

Under the guide of Silversmith Jemica Ostrofski, learn how to design and fabricate textured jewellery using recycled metals. The basic metalsmithing techniques of mark making will be explored using various hammers, letter stamps, number stamps and other tools.

Designed for teens aged 13-17 years old, in this three hour workshop students can choose to make either a pair of earrings, a ring, necklace or key chain.

BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL: Cost includes tuition and materials.

You need to know
• Participants must be 13-17 years old
• Prerequisite: Nil
• Please note bookings are non-refundable and non-transferable unless required by law.
• For planning purposes, participants must declare any injuries, disorders or disabilities that may impact their ability to successfully complete the workshop.
• Please contact Cobb+Co Museum on 07 4659 4900 to discuss your suitability for this workshop.
• Please wear long sleeves, long pants, closed in shoes and bring bottled water.

Cobb + Co Museum
27 Lindsay Street
Entry charges - Child$95
Contact phone 0746 594 900
Booking information• Please note bookings are non-refundable and non-transferable unless required by law.
• For planning purposes, participants must declare any injuries, disorders or disabilities that may impact their ability to successfully complete the workshop.
• Please contact Cobb+Co Museum on 07 4659 4900 to discuss your suitability for this workshop.
Event websitehttps://cobb.qm.qld.gov.au/Events+and+Exhibitions/Events/2023/06/Metalsmithing+Teen+Workshop
Contact organisationCobb+Co Museum
Is food and drink available?Yes
Are toilets available?Yes
Is there disabled access?Yes


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