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Autumn Art Market

From:Wednesday 12 March 2025
To:Thursday 23 May 2024
Time:10:00am - 03:00pm Wednesday 12 March 2025
Location:The Write Gallery | The Lighthouse Toowoomba, 126 Margaret Street, Toowoomba, QLD 4350 Austsralia

We are thrilled to present to you something truly special: The Seasonal Art Market at The Write Gallery. This unique collective art exhibition aims to foster collaboration in our creative community.


For a period of 20 days, The Write Gallery is transformed into a vibrant hub of artistic expression. Each season will feature multiple talented artists, coming together to create a diverse and collaborative event. We believe that the synergy of multiple artistic voices will enrich the overall experience for both artists and visitors alike.


The Autumn Art Market in The Write Gallery will be open every day between 3-23rd of May from 10am - 3pm (manned by the artists themselves!) - ALL WELCOME | FREE ENTRY

The Write Gallery | The Lighthouse Toowoomba
126 Margaret Street
Entry charges - AdultFree
Entry charges - ChildFree
Entry charges - ConcessionFree
Entry charges - FamilyFree
Entry charges - GroupFree
Entry charges - StudentFree
Contact phone 0438 990 211
Booking informationOpen every day between 3-23rd of May from 10am - 3pm
Event website*
Contact organisationThe Lighthouse Toowoomba
Is food and drink available?Not applicable
Are toilets available?No
Is there disabled access?Yes
126 Margaret Street - behind The Lighthouse Toowoomba (next to Koala Carte)


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