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Highfields Lions Show and Shine

From: | Sunday 20 September 2020 |
To: | Sunday 20 September 2020 |
Time: | 8:00am - 03:00pm Sunday 20 September 2020 |
Location: | Cabarlah Show Grounds (Copy), New England Highway, Cabarlah, |
The Highfields Lions Car, Truck and Motorcycle Show and Shine is a family event with free entertainment for families and children such as live music and kids’ activities within the overall framework of a car show and shine. A wide range of trophies are awarded to competitors. Refreshments are available.
Proceeds are used for Lions projects. This year we have purchased a medical pressure suit for a local child with disabilities, supported the Bushfire appeal and diabetes research, purchased backpack swags for Toowoomba homeless and will be supporting local applicants for the Youth of the Year competition and running a local Children of Courage Awards.
Cabarlah Show Grounds (Copy)
New England Highway
New England Highway
Entry charges - Adult | $5 |
Entry charges - Child | Under 12 Free |
Entry charges - Concession | $5 |
Entry charges - Family | per person |
Entry charges - Group | per person |
Entry charges - Student | $5 |
Contact phone | 0437 216 645 |
Booking information | Pay At Gate Show and Shine Competitor $15 includes driver and one passenger Public Entry $5 Children under 12 years free |
Event website | Facebook Highfields Lions Show and Shine |
Contact organisation | Lions Club of Highfields North Eastern Downs Inc |
Is food and drink available? | Yes |
Are toilets available? | Yes |
Is there disabled access? | Not applicable |