This year

2021 Hip Pocket Endurance Challenge @ Cooyar

From: | Tuesday 18 March 2025 |
To: | Sunday 21 March 2021 |
Time: | 12:00am - Tuesday 18 March 2025 |
Location: | Cooyar Show Grounds, Cnr New England Hwy & Cooyar Rangemore Road, Cooyar, Qld 4402 Australia |
The Toowoomba Endurance Horse Riders Association (TEHRA) is holding their annual endurance ride at Cooyar Showgrounds on 20 March 2021. Members are keen to welcome new riders who may be interested in trying the sport. Endurance riding is a great opportunity to spend time with your horse, build your fitness and achieve goals.
There will be 20km, 40km and 80km endurance rides held on the Saturday afternoon/evening. The tracks follows quiet country roads and continues through the Mount Binga National Park before returning to the showgrounds.
Advice will be available to riders new to endurance. This will include advice on fitness training in preparation for the ride and what to expect on the day. A pace rider in the 20km event will ensure riders do not travel faster than the maximum 10km/hr, and hands-on assistance will be provided to strap and present your horse for the vet checks. The wonderful photographer Sarah Sullivan will be on track to take photos of your ride, and has generously sponsored a free photograph for each 20km rider. Club member Barbara Woods is the 20km ride coordinator and advised “If riders are considering attending the 20km ride, they should start training their horses now to build both horse and rider fitness. Long, slow rides are ideal in the early stages of training. Any size or breed of horse can complete a 20km ride successfully, as long as they are sound, healthy and have had some preparation.” A 20km ride typically takes between 2-3.5 hours to complete.
TEHRA has been running endurance rides for over 30 years and enjoys positive support from sponsors and riders. Hip Pocket Workwear Toowoomba is the major ride sponsor – all competitors and volunteers receive a generous $25 Hip Pocket gift voucher in addition to other prizes. However - the greatest prize is the sense of satisfaction that comes from successfully completing the ride and finishing with a horse that is confirmed to be fit and healthy by the ride vets.
Interested riders can contact Barbara at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or find out more about endurance from the Queensland Endurance Rider’s Association (QERA) website at . The TEHRA Facebook page is regularly updated also-
Nominations for the ride will be available via Trybooking and the QERA website from Saturday 27 February.
Cnr New England Hwy & Cooyar Rangemore Road
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Contact phone | 0407 694 010 |
Booking information | Bookings open on Saturday 27 February through TryBooking. The link will be shared on the TEHRA Facebook page and QERA website. |
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Contact organisation | Toowoomba Endurance Horse Riders Association |
Is food and drink available? | Yes |
Are toilets available? | Yes |
Is there disabled access? | Not applicable |