This year

Toowoomba United Nations World Environment Day
From: | Sunday 06 June 2021 |
To: | Sunday 06 June 2021 |
Time: | 12:00am - Sunday 06 June 2021 |
Location: | Lake Annand Park, Long and Mackenzie Streets, Toowoomba, Queensland 4350 Australia |
This is a gathering of environmentally-aware people in the Toowoomba region to celebrate United Nations World Environment Day. It is a free family event. There will be music, song, dance and speakers, and stalls. The theme is "Ecosystem Restoration". United Nations themes of the environment, peace, multculturalism, multifaith, Indigenous matters, anti-racism and social justice will be featured. The Children's Poster Com[petition entries will be on display. Food and non-alcoholic drink will be available. Everyone is welcome.
Lake Annand Park
Long and Mackenzie Streets
Long and Mackenzie Streets
Entry charges - Adult | Free |
Entry charges - Child | Free |
Entry charges - Concession | Free |
Entry charges - Family | Free |
Entry charges - Group | Free |
Entry charges - Student | Free |
Contact phone | 07 4634 7693 |
Booking information | This is a gathering of environmentally-aware Toowoomba and region people to celebrate United Nations World Environment Day. There will be stalls, music, song, dance, speakers, and children's activities. The theme is "Ecosystem Restoration". |
Event website | n/a |
Contact organisation | Toowoomba World Environment Day Committee |
Is food and drink available? | Yes |
Are toilets available? | Yes |
Is there disabled access? | Not applicable |
Wheelchair, bicycle access, foods, children's playgrounds, lakeside walks, ducks, music, song, dance, speakers