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National Tree Day

From:Saturday 04 September 2021
To:Saturday 04 September 2021
Time:8:00am - 11:00am Saturday 04 September 2021
Location:Centenary Park - Westbrook, Barwick Street, Westbrook, Qld 4350 Australia

National Tree Day 2021

More than 2000 new trees and 300 native scrubs and grasses will be planted out across three Toowoomba Region parks on Saturday 4 September, as part of an initiative to increase the region’s urban forest population.

This continues Councils involvement with Planet Ark’s National Tree Day, held annually, which inspires communities to plant trees and protect nature.

Westbrook Park and Centenary Park, Westbrook and Mount Peel Bushland Park, Drayton are the locations identified for tree planting.  The event will be held on Saturday 4 September from 8.00am to 11.00am. 

Local tree enthusiasts keen to participate in the day’s activities are urged to make a booking due to COVID-19 health restrictions that will be in place limiting the number of people who can attend.

To register your interest, call Council on 131 872 or email

Participants will need to bring their own gloves, trowels and drinking water with them on the day.

The wearing of enclosed shoes, a long-sleeved shirt and long pants, a broad-brimmed hat and sunscreen is also highly recommended.

Centenary Park - Westbrook
Barwick Street
Booking informationTo register your interest, call Council on 131 872 or email
Contact organisationToowoomba Regional Council
Is food and drink available?No
Are toilets available?Yes
Is there disabled access?Yes


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