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Free Yoga at the Library

FREE YOGA at the city library
From:Thursday 27 October 2022
To:Thursday 27 October 2022
Time:5:30pm - 06:30pm Thursday 27 October 2022
Location:Toowoomba City Library (Community Rooms), Cnr Herries St and Victoris St, Toowoomba, Queensland 4350 Australia

Free Yoga at the library! 

My name is Perrine. I am launching the Toowoomba Yoga Shala, home of Ashtanga Yoga.

For that, I am offering two months of free Yoga classes in one of the community rooms of the city library. 

The space is amazingly quiet and spacious, a good opportunity for you to learn the method of traditional Ashtanga Yoga

Linktree to get access to all my socials

Getting started in your practice: 

Practice yoga on an empty stomach. If you practice in the evening, try not to eat at least two hours beforehand. 

Wear comfortable clothes that you can sweat in.

Use a yoga mat that feels right for you. Using your own mat is more sanitary than using one at a yoga center, and it will accumulate your spiritual energy. Choose a mat that has a good grip and that will last over a long period of time. 

You will probably need at least a small hand towel while you practice to wipe the perspiration off your face. If you sweat profusely, you will need a larger towel to place over your yoga mat. 


Send me an email 24 hours class to let me know you're coming. All levels welcome. 


See you on the mat yogis! 

Toowoomba City Library (Community Rooms)
Cnr Herries St and Victoris St
Entry charges - Adultdonation
Entry charges - Childdonation
Entry charges - Concessiondonation
Entry charges - Familydonation
Entry charges - Groupdonation
Entry charges - Studentdonation
Contact phone 0448612259
Booking informationTo book your spot, inform me 24hrs before the class of your presence.
Contact email:
Event websiteFacebook : Toowoomba Yoga Shala
Contact organisationToowoomba Yoga Shala
Is food and drink available?No
Are toilets available?Yes
Is there disabled access?Yes
Toowoomba city library - community rooms, 2nd floor. Stairs or elevator accessible.


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