This year

David Hack Classic

From: | Sunday 21 May 2023 |
To: | Sunday 21 May 2023 |
Time: | 8:00am - 02:30pm Sunday 21 May 2023 |
Location: | Toowoomba Aerodrome, Spitfire Street, Toowoomba, Qld 4350 Australia |
The David Hack Classic will be on again this year on May 21 at the Toowoomba Aerodrome. This is the 23rd year of the event.
The day attracts some 400 vehicles and 30 to 40 aircrafts to the day, with some 4000 people attending the day. There are 21 trophies on offer for various categories. Many classic car owners and car clubs make the David Hack Classic as a must attend event. The mix of classic vehicles and warbirds make for a unique atmosphere. This year the Jensen Car club are holding their Club National Rally being held in Toowoomba in 2023 and will be at the David Hack.
Some aircrafts will be offering joy flights. The WWII P51 Mustang “the Flying Undertaker” and the L-39 Albatross jet fighter are set to be popular. So will be the North American T-28 Trojans and CA-25 Winjeels.
The David Hack is a major fundraising event for charities and over 60 volunteers help run the day. The Leukaemia Foundation and Blue Care are primary recipients.
The event is run by the Rotary Club of Toowoomba North in conjunction with Aerotec, and with assistance of the Toowoomba Regional Council.
Barring operational requirements, QFRS will be demonstrating the jaws of life on a 4WD. There will be some activities for younger children. Due to Aerodrome regulations Smoking and Pets are not allowed apart from guide dogs.
For more information follow the event on the David Hack Classic Face book page and the Rotary Club of Toowoomba North website (David Hack Classic tab).
Spitfire Street
Entry charges - Adult | $15 |
Entry charges - Child | 12 and under free |
Entry charges - Concession | nil |
Entry charges - Family | $40 - 2 adults and teenagers |
Entry charges - Group | Exhibitors $10 per vehicle (2 people) |
Entry charges - Student | nil |
Contact phone | 0407 372 908 |
Booking information | Entry fee on the day. Exhibitors in convoy can be parked together. |
Event website | |
Contact organisation | Rotary Club of Toowoomba North |
Is food and drink available? | Yes |
Are toilets available? | Yes |
Is there disabled access? | Yes |