
Catherine Large | Exploring Colour and Texture in Champlevé Enamelling Techniques | Vitreous Enamelling
From: | Tuesday 11 March 2025 |
To: | Friday 17 January 2025 |
Time: | 8:30am - 04:00pm Tuesday 11 March 2025 |
Location: | University of Southern Queensland, Q501/502 USQ West Street, Toowoomba, Qld 4350 Australia |
Come to this course ready to experiment! Students will be introduced to some of the fundamentals of the vitreous enamelling process using vitreous enamels on copper and silver sheet. Emphasis will be on kiln fired enamel and students will experiment and develop mark making skills and simple Basse Taille-like techniques (creating low relief patterns using punches and roller printing) through the production of a series of samples. Cloisonné enamel techniques will also be demonstrated. Simple setting methods suitable for enamel will be discussed, as well as other techniques used to incorporate enamel as a highlight into jewellery works. As the course emphasis is on exploration, you may end up with lots of test pieces, rather than a finished item.
Q501/502 USQ West Street
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Contact phone | 07 4631 2863 |
Booking information | Bookings are only available online at Accepted payment methods are Visa card or Mastercard. |
Event website | |
Contact organisation | UniSQ McGregor Art Workshops |
Is food and drink available? | Yes |
Are toilets available? | Yes |
Is there disabled access? | Yes |