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Harvest Time

From:Tuesday 11 March 2025
To:Sunday 24 November 2024
Time:9:30am - 03:00pm Tuesday 11 March 2025
Location:Jondaryan Woolshed, 264 Jondaryan Evenslea Rd, Jondaryan, Queensland 4403 Australia

Celebrate the end of the harvest and take a step back in time as the Jondaryan Woolshed showcases the agricultural machinery of a bygone era.  Marvel at the collection of Sunshine Harvesters that revolutionised worldwide the harvest of wheat.  The Sunshine factory in Ballarat was at one time the largest manufacturing facility in the Southern hemisphere.

Activities will include operation of chaff cutter, hay baler, corn sheller and harvester.  Immerse yourself in the very fine collection of wagons and vintage tractors. The whole family can enjoy the sights and sounds of the historic woolshed, sheep, working dogs, animal nursery, whip making, blacksmith and wagon rides.  Arts, crafts and market stalls will be complimented by good country hospitality of food and beverages.

Stay for the weekend at the very popular Jondaryan Woolshed Caravan Park with powered and unpowered sites, creekside camping, rustic cabins, big skies and the sounds of the Australian bush.

Jondaryan Woolshed
264 Jondaryan Evenslea Rd
Entry charges - Adult$11
Entry charges - Child$6
Entry charges - Concession$9
Entry charges - Family$28
Contact phone 0417374536
Booking informationNo event booking required.
Caravan Park - telephone 0461468251, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact organisationJondaryan Woolshed
Is food and drink available?Yes
Are toilets available?Yes
Is there disabled access?Yes
Jondaryan Woolshed


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