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Blacksmithing Beginner

Blacksmithing Beginner
From:Saturday 26 April 2025
To:Sunday 27 April 2025
Time:8:30am - 04:00pm Saturday 26 April 2025
Location:Queensland Museum Cobb+Co, 27 Lindsay St, Toowoomba, Queensland 4350 Australia

Join Australian Champion Blacksmith Terry Drennan for a lesson in the custom-built blacksmithing shop.

Learn the basics of blacksmithing and create your own set of blacksmithing tools including a cold chisel, hot cutter, round punch, centre punch and tongs. As well as your tools, you will take away the basic skills of blacksmithing including operating a forge and using the tools and anvil.

After completing this workshop, you are eligible to participate in the Blacksmithing Advanced Workshops.

Meet your tutor

Terry Drennan began training as a blacksmith and farrier in Melbourne when he was 21 years old. He has won the Australian champion in blacksmithing and farriery on many occasions. At the same time, Terry never lost the skills and enthusiasm for the other traditional facets of his trade such as making decorative gates and furniture. He has been teaching blacksmithing courses at Queensland Museum Cobb+Co for 20+ years.

All our Hands-on Workshops have a limited number of participants to ensure you receive all the assistance and direction you require.

Spectators are welcome at all workshops.

Queensland Museum Cobb+Co
27 Lindsay St
Entry charges - Adult$465 Includes expert instruction, all materials and meals.
Contact phone 07 4659 4900
Booking information
Event website
Is food and drink available?Yes
Are toilets available?Yes
Is there disabled access?Not applicable


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