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Leafmore Winter Garden School

From:Wednesday 11 June 2025
To:Wednesday 11 June 2025
Time:8:30am - 03:30pm Wednesday 11 June 2025
Location:Highfields Cultural Centre, O'Brien Road, Highfields, Qld 4352 Australia

This is the 13th Leafmore Winter Garden School. It is a two day event, held every two years in June. We have an exciting line-up of presenters led by Michael McCoy, who is a garden designer,educator, broadcaster, writer, international garden tour guide and host of TV’s Dream Gardens. Peta Trahar is a well-known expert on perennial plants and a life member of Garden Clubs of Australia. Peta’s garden at Bilpin in the Blue Mountains is a showcase for perennials, many of which grow well in the Toowoomba Region. Local presenters include horticulturalists Brian Sams, Mike Wells, Peter MacQueen and Duanne Karle and garden photographer Jan Clewett. Linda Brennan will reveal the magic of sensory gardening, and the ‘Bug Lady’ Michelle Gleeson will provide thelowdown on garden insects – the good, bad and ugly.

The registration fee is $205 for two days, and $105 for one day. This includes morning tea and a hot lunch on both days as well as tea and coffee all day. There are great stalls including an extensive range of plants, pottery and ceramics, garden ornaments and soil improvement products. This year’s school is in aid of Protea Place, an inspiring Toowoomba charity supporting women in need. The Leafmore Winter Garden School caters for various dietary requirements. Just let us know when you register. We can also seat you close to the stage if you have difficulty hearing or in an easily accessible position if you have a mobility problem. The Highfields Cultural Centre is disability friendly.

Highfields Cultural Centre
O'Brien Road
Entry charges - Adult$205.00 for 2 days
Contact phone 07 4632 5499
Booking information
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
phone: 07 4632 5499
Contact organisationLeafmore Garden Society Inc
Is food and drink available?Yes
Are toilets available?Yes
Is there disabled access?Not applicable
TRC hall and conference venue


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